Woo Woo

Why You Cannot See, Talk Or Connect With Aliens

Aliens Are Scared Of You

Aliens are scared of you. Your mind has been conditioned heavily to be afraid of aliens.


Your Pre-Conditioned Mind

Your mind has been conditioned to be afraid of aliens. All of the movies you saw depicts aliens as creatures that will kill you and harm you. Lots of cartoons, anime, and stories say that aliens are bad and eat people. This stays in your mind. If you have been consuming lots and lots of movies, tv shows, comics and so on, your mind is filled with terrifying images of alien beings killing human beings. It will take years or maybe even decades to purge that kind of conditioning out of your mind.

If an alien creates a holographic image to talk to you in person, you would be really scared. If an alien appears in front of you, your mind will not be able to handle it. Lots of fear will be created. All the shows that you have consumed will surface all of a sudden and create a very shocking experience to your mind.


Lots Of Aliens Are Non-Physical And Your Mind Is Pre-Conditioned To Be Afraid Of Non-Physical

Lots of aliens are non-physical also. They are just consciousness. Some can shift to a physical form and then shift to a non-physical form. Your mind has been preconditioned to be afraid of the non-physical or spirit. The amount of horror movies, shows and ideas about how terrifying ghosts are, is embedded deep into your mind. They are very very deep inside your subconscious. So anything non-physical will create some sort of fear based reaction. Your ego will go insane if a non-physical entity makes contact with you.


If We Lived

If we lived in a society where ghost stories are pleasant then our minds wouldn’t be so messed up. If our society is filled with stories like Harry Potter where ghosts aren’t evil, we would be more open to meeting ghosts and non-physical beings. But that is just not the case. Currently, the minds of people are closed or heavily locked & closed to meeting or connecting with aliens.

This just goes to show you how powerful Hollywood is in conditioning your mind. The news, movies, tv shows, and so on, are all created to condition your mind. You will notice this more and more in these times that there is propaganda in movies and that your mind can be influenced or groomed by watching television.


Our Minds Are Preconditioned

Our minds are preconditioned to be like NPCs. You should not question the government. You should not question corporations. You should not question big pharma. You should not question authority. Just follow, obey. You are not allowed to think critically. All you have to do is follow, regurgitate ideas what the government says, and so on.

These type of thinking is coming to an end also. The system or systems are going to betray you. You either wake up. start thinking for yourself, or stay asleep. You are going to see that people at power are leading you to a cliff where you will fall and die. Luckily, we have search engines now. You can do research now. Just be sure you don’t live in an echo chamber where you only look at research that support the ideas that you want to believe in. Research both sides.


If You Want To Meet Aliens

If you want to meet aliens, you can take DMT. You can look at this video also if you want to know what people experience. There are like these shamans in South America that help you take DMT. The people that took DMT have the same experience. A lot of them say that they talk to aliens.

The problem with DMT is if you ended up in a very high vibrational place, you may end up killing yourself. Let’s say you get to feel heaven for a few minutes and then you come back to the dense energy of the Earth. You wouldn’t want to be on Earth anymore if you got to feel heaven. Lots of people that make DMT in their homes, they do become suicidal.