
A lot of people think Canada has like USA government

The simple truth is no. Canada politicians are mandatory to swear allegiance to King Charles III. On the surface, it is just ceremonial and that the King has no real power but underneath, the King has a lot of power. He controls a lot of politicians and leads numerous countries. It is like Earth and Water in the movie 300. You just need to bow down, and the oath of allegiance is a bow of submission to the Monarchy.

There is a revolution going on in Canada, in that people are starting to wake up. They realized that they are just a puppet government or a country under the rule of the British. Some are definitely refusing to swear allegiance.

For Canada to become the 51st state, they will have to abandon King Charles III, which the politicians will never do unless the Canadian people really desire to be the 51st state.

The founding fathers of the USA saw that the British government to be very unlawful, lack of justice, and so on, decided to declare independence from them. You may think that Canada is its own country but it is still ruled by the monarchy and WEF, under the shadows.

The Monarchy heavily believes that they have reptilian blood. They believe they are above others. They are the chosen ones. In the old ages, they practice incest or inbreeding. They believe that their bloodline should be pure and not contaminated by others. They have very close ties to the reptilian aliens that live underneath the Earth.