
Biden pardoned Fauci

Fauci needs to be in jail. Biden has got to be the most corrupt administration that I have ever seen. I don’t even know how people could vote for him. He literally tried to kill us in 2020 by mandating the vaccines. It is a good thing that the supreme court blocked it. We would have seen so much more death. It has been proven that Biden has severe dementia. Like he cannot remember anything. So people are controlling him. I cannot even believe people voted for Kamala. She would have flooded the USA with criminals. Their purpose is to mess us up in our head and financially.

Trump may be a criminal. He may be a con man. He may be grifting people of millions of dollars. But he is not trying to kill us. Biden tried to kill us. He pardoned people that tried to kill us.

J6 people were entrapped by the government. There was so much evidence that the whole thing was a set up by the government. Now, Biden pardoned the people that set up the US citizens. I have never seen such corruption. Every time there is a hurricane, fire or natural disaster, they would send billions to Ukraine so that people wouldn’t notice. This administration was so corrupt.

I’m just pissed since Fauci is going to be free after killing millions of people. These people are so evil.