
Can’t Help Myself

Most modern art is just meant for money laundering and tax evasion but I like this one. This one is called “Can’t Help Myself”. The robot leaks hydraulic fluid as time goes on. The robot believes that it will die if it does not get the liquid back to itself so it is programmed to take it back. In its early days, there wasn’t a lot of fluid, so when the robot has nothing to do, it would dance. After a few years, there was so much hydraulic fluid that there was no longer time to dance. It just worked and worked until it started slowing down. Then they unplugged it and killed it. The thing is that it is powered by electricity so it did not need the liquid at all. It was tricked by the system from birth to death.

The robot is supposed to represent humanity. Well, that is what I heard. It is pretty cool.