
Can’t Make Money

I cannot make money. There is this energy block which is preventing me from doing so. It takes away focus, inspiration, ideas and everything. It is like I am cursed. I think this energy block has been there for 20 years now. Let’s say in a day, I can do 20 tasks but with this energy block, I can only do 5. It goes down to 1 per day in the next couple of days. It has no effect on tasks that do not involved money.

I’m just waiting for my guides and angels to give the go ahead signal. Without that signal, there’s no way I can make money. But I’m sure once I get that signal, money will come pouring in like rain. Lots of it will just keep dropping from out of nowhere.

It seems I cannot just go get a minimum wage job and live in a small apartment till I die. I don’t mind doing it and I would like to do it. But my guides and angels don’t want that either. I am stuck where I am and I am just waiting for that ‘go’ signal. I know that this will end soon though. I am almost at the end, just a few more days or months, or a year or so.