Woo Woo Writings

Conspiracy Theory?

I was researching if Haitians were really eating cats, dogs and geese. The mainstream NEWS say it is a conspiracy theory. So I looked for evidence. Apparently, it is true. The NEWS just do not report it. The residence are speaking out though. Can’t really trust the NEWS, they are garbage.

I believed it when I heard it because I came from Philippines. Filipinos would eat anything. They would eat cats, dogs, pigeons, and so on. Lots of wild animals in Philippines have become extremely endangered because they are being hunted for food like deer, gators and stuff. If you are poor, cannot afford food then you eat wild pigeons and stuff if they are available. They don’t really see anything wrong with that because that is the norm. It is what their families do, neighbors do, and stuff. If you have money, you don’t eat dogs, cats, pigeon and so on. But if you do not, you eat whatever. Probably cats are safer than dogs. Cats are used by the medical community for education. You have to catch a feral cat, hang it until it is dead, and dissect it for class. We don’t see a problem with that because so many feral cats in there.

If your neighborhood gets trashed because of new neighbors then think about moving. It might be taxing, strenuous, problematic and so on but if you really want peace of mind, just move. Your neighbors will not have the same values and ethics as you. A lot of Muslims think that dogs are evil. It is haram to have dogs as pets. They do not mind killing them. So your neighbors may not have the same ethics and beliefs as you. They don’t mind doing stuff that you deemed to be barbaric or evil. If you do your enlightenment also, you should be above the battleground. You will be seeing terrible things happening to others but you will not be part of it.


In the prediction

In the prediction, it says that if Kamala wins, the amount of illegals will be in 100 million. USA has 333 million population. They want 1/3 of that to be illegals. Like that would be their initial goal then go for 150-200 million if they meet the 100 in four years. I remember Biden saying the Democrats came with a bill called Border Protection, but Republicans rejected it. I read the bill, there’s nothing in there about Border Protection. It was money for giving green cards to illegals as fast as possible and money for Ukraine. He doesn’t really need a bill to close the border. He can do easily with an executive order. I never heard him say build a wall. In fact, he said walls are racist. He stopped Texas from building a wall.

Illegal immigration is also a clear sign that there is a global leader or shadow elites that rule the world. It is not just happening in the USA. It is happening all over the world and the world leaders are the ones that are organizing it. They are even flying people with planes. It is happening all over the world which means that a group organized it, planned it, and our politicians or leaders said “ok, we will follow your command”.

Anyway, moving is something people should research. In the next 6 years, we don’t really know how bad our neighborhood is going to become. If you don’t feel safe, don’t feel good, then research about moving, especially if you are a woman. Women are going to be the biggest victims.


I thought this guy was Filipino. He was definitely going to eat the seagull. I mean, it is a seagull though. Those birds are a$$holes. Those birds kill everything. I did read that a few years ago, illegal immigrants killed bald eagles. Let’s save those eagles. They are beautiful. Seagulls, I don’t really care about them.