
Dang, they look old lol

I saw some of these instagrammers or influencers in real life. Their make up is very thick. They have that brown cheek color also. I don’t know what they call it. It is meant to make their cheeks more pronounced or something. I don’t understand why they need to do plastic surgery since the make up is thick then filters then photoshop and so on. It makes no sense.

When you are young, it is not worth it. When you are young, you have the youthful glow which cannot be faked. When you are young, you look beautiful as long as you are clean, have confidence, and happy. If you use plastic surgery or botox, it makes you look old.

Humanity is obsessed with physical beauty. We think we are going to be fulfilled and complete if we are beautiful. No. It is the same as watching tv or entertainment. It is like a distraction. If you low vibing, you will experience lots of low vibrational thoughts that are depressing. Does not matter if you look good or not. You’ll feel good if you got a good photo and you get likes and compliments. That high does not last for long. It is quick and fades easily. You have to deal with your mind like everyone else afterwards.