
Dungeons And Dragons Movie

I’m hoping it is good. I remember when I was 7 years old, we would do dungeons and dragons in the Philippines. There was this guy in his 30s, who is our dungeon master. I remember he always wore no shirt, his belly was hanging, he was light skinned, almost Caucasian. There were like four of us children (two males and two females) who would play the game. Dungeon master would tell the story of our adventure and we get to pick which path or how our journey unfolds with our choices. I was really the only one who really like the game, I would always pester the guy to play. He would play mahjong but I would pester him to become our dungeon master. If he agrees, I would call other children to play. We would bring notebooks or pieces of paper with our pens and pencils to record our stats and stuff.

Now that I thought about it, our dungeon master was tough. We played for a year or two and we only completed one journey. We always died along the way. Our dungeon master was unforgiving. We would roll the dice always. We would get ambushed in the road by orcs. We would get ambushed while we were sleeping by dark forces. We would get ambushed while we were on a ship by pirates. We were only children, and he didn’t give us any handicaps or special items.

We had this class called the ice mage. He would use this ability called ice blast. He would roll two dices and if he gets 2 or 3, it means critical failure. The ice blast would freeze one of our team mates in ice and it would kill that person. It was so funny when one of us dies from that ability. The game was so tough. But we completed one mission where we killed a dragon which was cool.

It was a lot of fun. I enjoyed it a lot.