
February Predictions 2024

Disclaimer: This is not real. This is pure fiction. This has nothing to do with real life. This is only for fun and should not be taken seriously. This is not financial advice. I am just talking to myself.


So Many

So many people doing predictions now. Most are garbage. There’s nothing for February that popped up.


Stock Market

I haven’t been paying attention to any stock market predictions. My guides are not into money and I don’t trust myself at the moment. It is mixed. Some say good, some say bad. This is my guess, I think the elites are re-planning or reorganizing their agendas so my guess is that it will be side ways or a little bit on the green.


Everything Is Easier

Everything is easier if you understand that there is this world power that controls the USA. Right now, it appears to be the WEF. They control Republican and Democrat politicians. People call it the UNIPARTY which is true. It is one big massive party that looks like they are against each other but actually it is just theatre.

If you can see that, you can then see that most of the companies and corporations on Earth are controlled by the WEF. How can this be? Isn’t monopolies illegal in USA? They control companies through hedge funds and stocks. Blackrock and Vanguard currently own the USA. They own most of the companies, news, social media, and they can destroy most of them also.

If you can see that, you will be able to see that the USA does not have three branches of government but four. The fourth one is the FEDS which include the federal reserve, FBI, CIA, and so on, and they are controlled by the WEF also.

If you can see that, then you can see that there are no multiple governments around the world. It is one government and the ruling party is shrouded in mystery. We don’t know who they are yet.


Everything Looks Good

Everything looks good. The shadow elites cannot control your life unless you let them. You have to agree to their agenda. In order to agree, you need to believe them. Humanity started really bad in 2020 but we are doing good. They need to indoctrinate you which definitely happened in 2020 but most people learned their lessons and we are doing well after that.



The French farmers won. I see this a lot in twitter. They are protesting. The government is taxing them heavily. The government was not even trying to hide that they are trying to bankrupt these farmers so they can take over their land. They say that the taxes are for global warming and farmers are creating lots of CO2. They need to limit the amount of farming people can do. But the French won and the government conceded.

This may look small but it is actually big because if one government concedes, the rest will follow. Lots of countries in Europe are trying to bankrupt their farmers. It is a global attack on farming. This has something to do with building smart cities and the famine that is about to come.

If the farmers keep winning, even if the famine happens, it will not last long.


World War 3

Keep in mind there’s no nuclear war that is going to happen. Like I said before, we are not the only specie living on Earth. Those other species are not going to allow nuclear bombs to fly around the Earth.


More Powerful Energies Are Coming

More and more powerful energies are coming to the Earth. If you did your enlightenment and shadow work, it should be easy. You will have the same normal and ordinary days for a long time. If you did not, it will be hard and painful.

But whatever happens, keep in mind that this world is not real. This world is most likely a simulation or a game. One timeline out of infinite timelines. If you are experiencing hard times, then just go through it. At least, you won’t go through something similar in your next life if you have learned your lesson.


More Creativity And Money

These energies will also bring more creativity and more money to people. If you are urged to do something creative, try it. See where it goes. It may not give you money but it may open up your mind to more creativity which may lead to money.



It looks like both Presidential candidates are going to cheat heavily this year. It is rigged. Electronic voting machines should really raise a red flag in people. It is not the majority of people that decides the election winner, it is who is counting them. Electronic voting machines can be easily manipulated by one party.

The last election was rigged, at least that is what it looks like to me. I’ve seen the evidence and corruption. But I’m also sure that both parties tried to cheat. Just that one party is better at it. One party had a lot of judges on their side. This is something you will also see this year that the judges are corrupt and that our legal or justice system is corrupt.

The justice system is not there to control the rich and powerful people. It looks like the justice system can be fair and we can fight against the rich but in reality, the justice system is there to control the masses. Rich and powerful people are never hold accountable. The justice system was created to control the masses. To stop them from attacking the politicians and people in power.


New Medical Knowledge And Treatments

Going to be a lot of inventions in the medical field this year. I am not talking about pills or drugs. Like inventions like sound healing. Cancer treatments that work. They may not become popular this year but lots of them will start this year.


Climb Higher

Climb higher. Meditate. The higher your frequency, the better your life will be. While the world may be engulfed in chaos, you will not. It is as if the world is separate from you. You are just watching people create chaos but you are not part of it.