
I thought we already confirmed

I thought we already confirmed that USA funded the creation of COVID-19. I remember that we found out that Fauci was funding “gain of function” research or bio warfare research in Wuhan. Funding it through USAID would be the same thing. So the gain of function research was not proven to be true? It was covered up?

The pandemic to me was very controlled by the government. It is like they spray it on certain times to increase infection and death. Once people stopped following the lockdowns, and vax, they stopped spraying it also. Biden launched his illegal immigration agenda. In the same year btw like a few months apart. I remember China had a vicious outbreak then Biden opened the borders. He was flying illegal immigrants with our own airplanes. I remember that if you go to an airport, you need vaccine ID, vaccine passport and so on. At the same time, 1 million illegal immigrants poured into the USA and Biden welcomed them.