
I Was Listening To Corey Wayne

You can actually practice enlightenment by listening to love relationship advices. It is because it teaches you positive masculine and feminine energies.

The energy coming to the Earth actually supports being authentic and being truthful just like what Corey Wayne says. Always speak your truth. If you keep lying or not telling what you want, your girl or anyone you talk to will think that you are full of crap. If you tell a girl something and you take it back, she will think you are wishy washy or full of crap. They will not believe you as time goes by. It is like the story of the boy who cried wolf. People will not believe you if you keep lying or keep taking back your words.

I always tell my truth and I always try to be as authentic as possible. If I tell people “I never want to see them”, the truth is I never want to see them, ever. If the girl can’t respect that, I can always get a restraining order. I never take back what I said because I don’t need to tell lies. I don’t need to manipulate people by lying. I have no intention of manipulating others. It is also easier to tell the truth rather than to lie.

The only difference now is that I am more confrontational. Last year, I used to just give hints in this blog cause I don’t want to deal with it or talk to them. Last year, women kept bothering me. But now, I just tell women face to face. Or I text them also so there is no confusion.