
I’m looking at my facebook photos

I’m looking at my facebook photos. When I was young, I look kind of good. I was so skinny before.


I should exercise more so I can become more lean. When I was young, I was so lean. I want to lose around 10 pounds, 15 if I want to become very lean. But I don’t need to right now so I’m not doing it lol.

I don’t think I am aging much right now. I don’t have wrinkles but I do have some belly fat.


This is so fake. We were not talking here. We were just posing for the picture lol.


It was a fun trip. Those mountains were very beautiful. Before COVID, I was just traveling everywhere. I was traveling with friends, then I started organizing. I started traveling alone also cause everyone was working and had jobs. I didn’t have any but I had money so it was all good.


One of the few times I went on top of a mountain while there was a lot of snow and ice. It was fun.


When on top of a mountain and you don’t know have a pose, just point lol. If you look at everyone, it is hard to see so random but if you focus on one individual, you start wondering what is he point at lol


catskills north point views

Either point or open your arms. They always look good.

This was more than a decade ago. I just started hiking. Can’t believe it has been more than 10 years. It felt like it was just yesterday. I wasn’t talking at all. I was just quiet. My mind was so cloudy. I’m telling you, looking back at it now, it was those vaccines. I took so many in order to go to school.


No matter what I do, I look cool no matter what.