
Looking at Presidential Candidates

Vivek Ramaswamy

This guy is running for Republican. This guy is very eloquent and sound very well educated.


Robert F. Kennedy Jr

This guy is running for the Democrats.

Kennedy doesn’t like Fauci. Fauci is like the president of the vaccines. There are shady stuff happening with the vaccines for children or the mandated vaccines or old school vaccines. I’m not saying that the vaccine is bad or not good, but definitely something shady because they are not honest about it. They don’t answer questions also. Vaccines have some sort of court immunity from being prosecuted also.

Here’s an interview of him talking about the childhood vaccines.

In the Trump administration, Trump was going to appoint him to investigate vaccine safety. However, Bill Gates and other powerful people blocked it. They told Trump that it was a bad idea. So Trump didn’t do it. But he did gain some insights on what is happening and that they are hiding something or that they are not honest about it.


Joe Biden


Donald Trump

Trump is funny lol. Every candidate has someone that proofreads their tweets before posting so the tweets would look very professional, thoughtful, eloquent and fluent. But Trump would just post whatever he wants to say. Mitch McConell does need to retire. He is old and mentally not fit anymore. Even Republicans want him gone.