
Pretty Amazing

It is pretty amazing that we can predict the future. I watched all of these predictions and used my emotional guiding system or heart to figure out which ones are correct. If you have been reading the predictions, we basically predicted inflation, stock market, and economy for the past 1 year. Someone most likely made a lot of money out of these predictions.

Somewhere around 2019-2020, we predicted that lots of people are going to die and lots of natural disasters are going to happen for the next 10 years. It has only been 3 years and it happened already.

I just wished I took these predictions seriously, I wouldn’t have lost money on the stock market. I would have made lots. It is not too late. I took that experience as an awakening call. I need to pay more attention to predictions and woo-woo. I think they call these times, “The Great Awakening” which basically means more and more people will be spiritual. These predictions definitely made me more spiritual lol.

For now, I will trust my guides and angels. I realized two things about my life. I don’t make money but I am far from danger or from dying also. I could be near a cliff and I would be okay. So my guess is that my guides don’t want me to die but don’t want me to make money also, at least not right now.

Whenever I meditate and talk to my angels, they gave me a prediction which is that I will be rich monetarily and it is 100% guaranteed. No idea how but I’ll trust for now as an experiment. Better to be spiritual right now than experiencing pain.