
Recent study published in Oxford’s Journal of Sexual Medicine

I don’t even know why people went into surgery. I don’t even understand why people would use hormone blockers since that sounds like it would be terrible on the mind but I think trying the hormone blockers for a few years would be the most ideal and safe way to go about this rather than surgery. Like try out being a man first or try out being a woman first before surgery.

Humanity is way too identified with the body. The “body is who I am,” which is not true in terms of enlightenment. The body is not who you are. It is a temporary vessel. If you are too identified to it, all of your motives and aspirations would revolve around it. Unfortunately, it is a foolish endeavor as the body degenerates and grows old in time. Ultimately, it will perish so being too attached or focus on it will only bring you lots of pain.