
Ryan’s Resume

Ryan’s Resume

1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500 – +1 (555)-123 4567 – mr.amazing@myemail.xyz.avengers.co


Work History

Pilot/Soldier Against Thanos And Alien Invaders
April 26, 2019

  • When Thanos arrived with his alien army, I fought in the front lines to protect Earth
  • Killed various types of aliens and destroyed various types of enemy ships
  • Proficient in using energy weapons, blasters, and hand-to-hand martial arts
  • Can fly alien spaceships, use alien tech, and decode alien languages
  • Helped the Avengers save the planet and retrieved the Infinity Stones
Worked Part-time as a Jedi Knight
A long long time ago

  • Time travelled to a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away
  • Learned to proficiently wield the force from Master Yoda
  • Survived the purge of Order 66
  • Fought against Darth Vader and managed to escape
  • Flew an X-Wing side by side with Luke Skywalker
Full-time Archer For King Aragorn (LOTR)
December 17, 2003

  • Learned Archery from Master Legolas himself
  • Fought against an army of Orcs and the forces of evil
  • Sacrificed myself by marching to Mordor with King Aragorn to give Frodo more time
  • Saved Middle Earth and people lived happily ever after
Elon Musk’s Assistant

  • Inspired Elon Musk to create an electric vehicle
  • Taught Elon the science behind electric vehicles
  • Helped create funds for Tesla
  • Provided psychological help, told Elon never to give up when he was about to quit
  • Tesla would never have been born without me



Miscellaneous Achievements And Volunteer Work


Additional Skills

Too many to list



Wizard Diploma
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Jedi Knight Certification
Jedi Academy

X-Men Mutant Diploma
Xavier’s School For Gifted Youngsters