
Time To Find A New Place To Live

Time to find a new place to live. Maybe find a room mate or find a small apartment. Time to move on, spread my wings. Distance myself more from people seeking conflict all the time. I need to find a job first. Just an ordinary, minimum wage job. Hopefully, it is fulltime or can be fulltime. Save up 3k or so then move out. I first have to exercise. I have been doing nothing so my muscles may ache when I do physical labor. Better be prepared.

I was researching houses in NJ. The cheapest ones are around 200k. I don’t think that’s a good deal. Probably a murder lol or there might be squatters living there. I want to live away from the city or NYC since it looks like it is getting very chaotic.

Mayor Adams brought in so many migrants. He cannot afford to house them or feed them. He only has like 60 days before he boots them out of hotels. This mayor has been the worst mayor that I’ve ever seen for NYC. This looks like a prelude to chaos. It was predicted with high certainty that cities will be more chaotic. We can see it happening also.

I cannot really afford a house so I’ll probably be in NY for some time.


Stock Market

This is not financial advice. I realized if I have a million dollars, I could just invest in spy and I would rake in 100k a year or 10%. It is pretty good passive income. It is just not time yet. I saw this tweet about $CLBR which is $PSQH or before it became public square.

I knew it was going to make a lot of money. I saw it at $9. There was this energy block and so I didn’t do it. I also promised I won’t play the stock market till I get my money back. I would have tripled my money or maybe doubled. I was expecting it go to $50 but it went down after $30. Knowing myself, I would have bailed around $25. Still, I would have made a lot of money but I guess it is not time yet.

I think when it is time, I can become very wealthy in just a blink of an eye. Just by looking at these experiences, it seems rather easy to be rich. I just need a light bulb in my head instead of this energy block.


Sister’s Dog

I wanted to stay until my sister’s dog passes away. He is old and deteriorating rapidly. I wanted to make his last days filled with love and companionship but it doesn’t look like I will be able to do that. I’ll just visit often. He got this yeast infection on his skin before like parasites. No one would touch him. I still petted him and carried him around. I didn’t want him to feel bad about himself but it was no use. He got traumatized. He used to go to people and he touches them. Now, he waits for people to touch him. After months of caring for him, he is cured now but he is still getting weaker every day. I just give him lots of hugs and kisses so he doesn’t feel lonely. Dogs are so pure. I wish their lifespans are 30 years instead of 15.