
We got this water filter

We got this water filter Bluevua. Still testing it but so far so good. The water tasted good. Lots of people who are health freaks or practicing enlightenment or woo-woo, they all get water filters. They all get the expensive kind. Some will even get the custom made ones. They put them in the walls and not under the sink. For people practicing woo-woo, they don’t like the fluoride in the tap water. I don’t like fluoride also. I use non-fluoride toothpaste now. It is believed that Hitler used fluoride to control the Germans. When Hitler got defeated, is is believed that all the Nazi scientists were recruited by US. They recommended fluoride into the drinking water. So that is how the US started putting fluoride in the drinking water. There was no fluoride in our water before world war 2.

It is believed that fluoride makes the brain foggy, cloudy and the brain loses clarity of thinking. People who are practicing enlightenment and woo-woo, all want a clear mind.


I’m actually concerned about microplastics now. Those microplastics are everywhere now. They are especially abundant in bottled water. So having a water filter definitely helps create clean water.

There was a fight between Cleveland and Fiji water before because Fiji joked that water that comes from Cleveland are the worst. So Cleveland did their own testing and they said that their tap water is actually a lot better than Fiji water. Of course, Fiji countered that the tests were not independent and that they are bias. Bottled water is not regulated but tap water is. Lots of companies often lie and misled if no one is checking on their bs. I would just go with water filters, have your own stainless steal water bottle, instead of buying bottled water.