Adirondack Hikes Hiking Trails

Mount Jo Hike

Mount Jo Hike

Mount Jo is a very popular hike that lots of hikers, tourists, and photographers do. The parking lot is pretty big but it is also the main parking lot for a lot of hikes so if you are going to come in the Fall Season, you may have to come early. I like the hike a lot as the length is very short with decent elevation gain. There are also a lot of hiking trails nearby so if you wanted to do some more hikes, you can just pick another one that is very near here.

Mount Jo Important Information

Trail Map: Trail Map 1
Suggested Phone GPS Apps:, Avenza Maps, Google Maps

Difficulty: Easy
Distance: 1.8 Miles
Elevation Gained: ~700 ft
Portable Toilet At Parking: Yes

Trail Breakdown
Heart Lake
Short Trail
Mount Jo Top
Long Trail Going Back
Back To Heart Lake

Note: The information is just an approximation.


44.182874, -73.963495


Start Of The Hike

It was that season of the year where the sunrises and the roads were still filled with red leaves. I lifted my pumpkin latte to my mouth, drank what was left and threw it at a garbage can as I proceeded to go to my destination.

I stepped into the road trail as the chilly October winds blew in, rustling the trees and scattering the leaves away from their branches. I stretched out my hands as a multitude of leaves spiraled and danced their way downward towards me. They were free for a moment and could go anywhere they pleased, but ultimately, they reached the ground where they will rest and find their peace.


Heart Lake

In the distance, a wooden railing could be seen, and an opening to a viewpoint was awaiting me there.


Heart Lake

The sands were the most gentle hue of brown, so coarse and so cold as they rolled around my fingertips. I did not expect to find sands here but here they were. I zipped my jacket shut as the cold winds kept coming in. The winds had the aroma of the earth and had the scent of Fall as well with the mountain trees wearing their bright colors of red, yellow, brown, and green as if they were going to a special occasion or a ball.



I had a choice whether to take the short trail or long trail. I chose the short one.


Short Trail

Two weeks ago, this place was pretty green and was very hot, now the footpath was covered in brown leaves that fell from the sky and a chilly air permeated through out my surroundings. The season changed so fast. One moment, I was still in the summer season, and the next, it was already fall.


Short Trail Ascending

It was a somewhat steep footpath that went upwards, filled with rocks and boulders of different sizes that I had to maneuver through. The rocks felt strong, solid and would not budge that there was very little chance of them getting loose and rolling downwards. The hike upwards did not stop and was difficult for beginners and tourists, as I met a few people resting on the sidelines, with sweat glistening on their necks as they bowed their heads down, looking haggardly.


Short Trail

Rocks, rocks, rocks, there was no end to them. As I finished one part of the trail that was filled with rocks, I started climbing another part filled with lots of rocks again. But there was no need for me to hurry as I started the hike early. I slowed my pace, enjoyed my hike upwards while appreciating nature and slowly gained more elevation this way.


Short Trail

Various rocks of different sizes were scattered on the trail like usual but this time, they had a shape. The rocks were perfectly aligned to look like a set of stairs which made it easy for me to hike upwards. I often wondered how they managed to bring these rocks up in here. Were they brought here by huge muscular guys and then did they hammer these rocks deep into the ground so they will be stable? I guess I will never know.


Short Trail

It was a footpath that kept going upwards. I was expecting an easy hike but the ascent was getting to me or my body as I breathed in heavily as I reached this part of the trail. Fatigue was slowly accumulating as I felt my shoulders aching and my legs wanting to stop and take a rest but I kept going as the hike itself was very short and I was certain that the top was just a few more steps upward.


Flat Trail With Wooden Planks

There were various planks all over the footpath but the soil was very dry that I didn’t really need to use the planks at all. Perhaps these planks were here as a precaution in case the soil gets muddy or when it rains.



The final ascent was a set of ladders that were very easy to use and traversed.


Mount Jo Top

There was disappointment in my eyes as the viewpoint was heavily blocked by trees and other obstacles. I laid my backpack gently on the ground and laid my body down the smooth cold rock on the Mount Jo viewpoint. I felt my eyes slowly getting heavier as the mountain air felt so good to the body, urging me to close my eyes and lulling me to sleep.


Mount Jo Viewpoint

I touched the cold, coarse and hard ground with my finger tips before sitting down on it. The valley looked beautiful even though it was partially blocked. It was the peak foliage in Adirondack Mountains with the trees adorning their most beautiful colors of red, orange, yellow and green. I looked at the valley in amazement and wished with all of my heart that someday the view will be clear with no obstacles on the way.


Top Of Mount Jo

The wind whispered to my ears, telling me to stay still and fall asleep with my eyes slowly dropping from the comfort that I was feeling. It was a nice viewpoint, and a nice mountain hike that my body felt so comfortable and safe that I was falling asleep. Mount Jo was different from the high elevation adventures that I was used to doing as in here, I felt at one with nature, without any conflict, and without the need for survival.


Mount Jo View After Exploring

I looked at the pictures in instagram and looked for the secret viewpoint that people were posting. I searched for it and found this place. It was not the secret viewpoint but it was pretty good. The view was less obstructed with a somewhat better view of the valley.


Mount Jo View After Exploring

I sat on a stone where the view was less obstructed. I stayed here for a few minutes just watching the clouds passed by. There was no sense of urgency within me and no sense of hurry at all. I just felt good when I was looking at the beautiful valley that will be gone in a few days which made me not want to leave. I just wanted to stay there, let my mind drift and maybe even let my eyes fall asleep.


Long Trail

The morning sun still felt nice on the skin when I decided to go down the mountain but this time I thought I would try the long trail to get back to the parking lot.


Long Trail

The descending footpath felt eerily similar to the short trail as there were lots of rocks and boulders on the trail. The slope was rather steep as well but the long trail had one difference which was that it was moving away from the parking lot instead of closer to it.


Long Trail

At the bottom of the long trail was just a flat footpath that ultimately led to the parking lot. I felt that both trails were basically the same but the length was just different. I thought that the long trail would not be as steep but it didn’t feel like that at all, it just felt longer.


End Of The Hike

It was the end of another hike, but I planned to come back here again to search for that mysterious hidden viewpoint that I kept seeing in the Internet. I would scour the Internet first for that elusive footpath that leads to the beautiful vista. But for now, I would like to do another hike and enjoy the Fall foliage or leaf peeping season in the Adirondack Mountains. I got into my car, started the engine and went on my way.


Mount Jo Secret Viewpoint

Here’s a quick video on how I got to the viewpoint. Basically, instead of climbing the ladder, I went straight to the woods then made a right.

Note: After the video, don’t forget to smile.


Mount Jo Secret Vista

Adirondack Fall Foliage

I was jumping for joy in the inside with a big smile on my face as I walked closer to the viewpoint. I was prepared to search for this viewpoint for the whole day but didn’t expect to find it so quickly and so easily. My heart was pumping liquid happiness as exhilaration took over every cell of my body. “I finally found it!! Yehey!! Good for me!” I thought to myself.


Mount Jo Secret Lookout

Mount Jo Secret Lookout

Happiness flooded my soul as I was all alone in one of the most beautiful viewpoints that I had ever seen. The ember red leaves played magnificently well with the green and yellow leaves of the forest. The colors scattered throughout the valley like an ocean of gemstones, blanketing the mountains, hills and every structure as far as my eyes could see. The clear lake added a nice touch to the scenery as if an artist sculpted this land and perfectly added pieces of nature together to create an unforgettable landscape.


Mount Jo Fall Foliage

Mount Jo Fall Foliage

I looked at the lake, its stillness was inspiring as there were no ripples at all as it reflected the fluffy clouds and the pleasing blue sky. There was beauty and stillness everywhere I looked that such feelings reflected back to me. It darted through my eyes, felt it going down my throat, and into my stomach then back up again, penetrating through my heart where the feelings of peace and tranquility filled my very soul and diffused through out my body. Leaving me with a sense of peace that all was well, and that the future will turn out good as well.


Mount Jo Secret Views

Mount Jo Secret Views

The morning had been unbelievably slow as I watched the snail like clouds move apart from each other. My mind wanted to move, desired to hike other beautiful places but my heart just wanted to stay still. My heart didn’t want to move at all. It just wanted to stay there, absorb all of the beauty of the valley into my soul, and just enjoy the silence and solitude that I found myself in.


Mount Jo Autumn

Mount Jo Autumn

I looked at the beautiful valley and sadness seeped into my heart as I knew that this would be gone in a few days or so. Fall foliage comes and go, I was just lucky that I got here at the perfect time where the colors of the leaves were at their peak. However, I knew and I understood fully that this world that I live in was very temporary. All good things must come to end, and it was the same for the bad things as well.

I stayed at the viewpoint as much as I wanted as I knew I would never come back here again for years to come. After an hour or so, I said goodbye to the landscape and everything around me. It was time to go but everything here will lived on inside my heart. Hopefully, there will be many days to come where I would be able to see other viewpoints that are as beautiful or more beautiful than this one.


4 Replies to “Mount Jo Hike

  1. Thanks for the information. The place was very beautiful. My husband and I took so many pictures!!

  2. This place was great. My family loved it. Thank you for the pictures and instructions.

  3. I was pretty pleased to discover this great site. I need to to thank you for your time for this particularly fantastic read!! I was not going to come here but after seeing this, I will definitely go.

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