Landscape And Poetry

I hope one day

I hope one day there would be a guy waking up with you that has the same desire and passion as you. A guy who would kiss you out of the blue just because he wants to. Someone who would stop you from going to the bathroom to give you a tight hug, and kiss you on the cheeks before you take a shower to go to work. A guy who would tell you how amazing you are and lucky he is for you being in his life. I hope he tells you how beautiful you are even when you are just wearing a ragged 7 year old shirt and pajamas. A guy who could make you smile like you are the happiest woman on earth. If he ever bought just one bubble tea, I hope he shares it with you. When you are having a bad day, I hope he buys you pizza and listens to you complain, even if you are just complaining or talking about a korean drama or some tv show that you like. I hope he misses you when you are not together. I hope he will hug you and make you feel that he will never let go. I hope he brags about you when he talks to his friends or people he knows. I hope he listens to your dreams or plans for the future. I hope he encourages you to be someone you want. I hope he gives you wings so you can fly wherever you want or whatever destination you seek. I hope he flies there with you. A guy who would fight for you and dreams of a better future for both of you. A guy who would not mind slaying dragons for you. I hope he loves you just as much as you love him, maybe he loves you even more.


But that guy is just not going to be me.


– Random things that I think about